Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ready Or Not...Summer is HERE!

Rylan and Caden are now officially out of school. It was a great school year for both of them. Rylan will enter 2nd grade in August. He is very excited about having Mrs. Bessent, who is the mother of one of my childhood friends. We are excited for him too! Caden will enter Kindergarten. He is "a little nervous", as he says about the situation! We will find out his teacher soon. He is hoping to have the same teacher, Mrs. Lundy, as Rylan had in kindergarten, mostly because that is the only one he knows. The first few days of summer have been rainy, which as made it a crazy beginning to summer for Ryan and I...with a house full of rowdy kids! We haven't had much baseball going on due the weather also. I guess you could say we missed it a bit. So, yesterday we went to Abilene to watch the Brownwood High School team play. It was fun but they lost. It is fun to see Rylan actually watch the game and understand what is happening. Well, here are a few pics from the last days of school for both boys. In one photo, Rylan is accepting a 'B Award' for his conduct and grades. After the award assembly, Rylan and his friends Wyatt and Colby headed for the pool to celebrate. Most of photos of Caden and Hudson swimming are at Caden's preschool's Splash Day. Hudson joined in fully believing he was one of the class!